Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Great-Day!  It’s a beautiful day in the Neighborhood!  Two-days before our next Sweet T’s Juke Joint...and all sorts of resources and reflections have been coming my way.  When this happens; I get super-excited and want to share everything; with!  This week’s Rundown has already been finalized – so there’s absolutely no room for additions.  That being said, I figured I’d do a pre-post.  Which is especially for my Newbie managers/executives.  Because surely when one crosses the threshold into management/C-level status it is a huge-deal...colossal even!  ...And by us having a keen understanding of Self and the PRO-activity of affirmations alongside of us – our Life and Work blends holistically, organically...automatically generating higher energies of zeal.  The beautiful-blend of what we think and how we feel is the ultimate goal within Leadership.  It also counteracts the encounters of being at odds with Self and @-odds with those around us.  Ideally, the vibes that we offer-up should enrich Self andour Team’s chemistry.  Even better, as the Leads...our vibes are responsible for the overall synergy and power-of-the-Pod; making alignment the inevitable.

If you’s your special-invitation to affirm your Betterment.  I invite you to gear-up for this hot-pursuit and explore excitedly!   (Our 1st stop of this adventure) to go-visit with the Simon Sinek’s video titled If You Don’t Understand People, You Don’t Understand Business – he so eloquently introduces the phenomena that I’ve chosen to utilize as our shoreline.  Inside this particular talk; he speaks to the 99% {the PRO-Creatives}...which is why I chose it...because his tone-of-message underlines the Art of Human(ness) {an element all leaders need to succeed}.

So when you get a moment; go visit.  The only thing I that you visit with minimum distractions.  It would be awesome if you maybe take a note or two.  Get inside a neutral-zone...meaning you approach it with a solid level of openness.  Is that cool with you?  Oh, and if you’d like to go-visit with Simon’s video now...over to the can click my ‘Starting With Why’ image.

TTFN!...and here’s to You and your EQ!